Every single moment you can start anew.

The words of my teacher come to me as I walk the streets on this spring morning, taking in the vibrant purple trees that line the streets where I live. I feel a little like I live in a place straight out of a Dr. Suess book.

It’s Spring now. Ushered in by the grace of the last pink full moon. Reminding us that now is a good time to let go of a few more things and clean up what no longer serves us in our homes and in our hearts.

This is the perfect time, you know.

To start again.

Not only because a lot of people have “the fever” to spring clean, but also because there is a cultural consciousness that is supportive of positive transformation, as the buds burst forth from a dormant mystery, and our friends and neighbors roll up their sleeves and clear out any stagnancy the winter has left behind.

In light of this, as days grow longer and we have just a little more time to be awake, I want to offer you a few ways you can embrace the season and tap into the collective inspiration.

One of my all-time favorites comes up this time of year, it’s my CLEANSE YOUR KITCHEN audio course and workbook. It’s free, and it is a great way to inspire yourself to eat more cleanly, refresh your ayurveda knowledge, and align yourself with the seasons. Seems each Spring, I do this naturally, and always feel so good on the other side of going through my cabinets and my fridge…. and so, I am sharing it with you, and hope you find inspiration, as I do.

Here’s what I know to be true: You have everything you need — including access to the most incredible information, coaches and guides, to take you from where you are to where you desire to be. And it isn’t always easy — especially when you are hungry to change, but don’t know where to start… No, it isn’t always easy, but I promise, it is always and in ALL WAYS worth it.

t’s up to each one of us to be the change and to take the next right step—like it or not, it’s ALL you.  I had a conversation with a student yesterday about something she was experiencing in her life that wasn’t really working for her — it could have been anything…. What it comes down to is this:

If you want your life to be different, you just gotta step in. Step up. and DO something differently.  Often it is the simplest of steps that gets the soil turning, making way for a spring time full of new growth & a full-on blooming garden of Love!  

I know the challenges you face :: time, money, energy, inspiration, feeling “stuck”. I know these challenges well — because I face them too…. every darn day. JUST like you.

But I’ve learned the power of GO. Of just taking the FIRST, next step.

Download your CLEANSE YOUR KITCHEN audio course now…. and take that first, next, BEST step in the direction of the life that is coming for you!

Sending you love as big as the Moon.



Yoga and Meditation


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Hi, I'm Britt.
I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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Britt hosts retreats and online immersions for women seeking healing, heart and vitality. 

The hardest part is knowing where to start

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