


(always appreciated, never required)

Central (us & canada)


It might seem strange to have the words “YOGA” and “CHURCH” in the same sentence. But this offering is so much more than just another online yoga class... And I call it “CHURCH” because, frankly, having been raised Christian, but not practicing, I wanted a place where I could go on Sundays to “pray” and “set good intention” with like-minded, open-hearted folks. I didn’t want the dogma — I just wanted the devotion… so together, we bring the ancient teachings of yoga, indigenous practices, and other mother traditions into a 20-30 minute capsule at the beginning of class, and then the teachings are infused into your mat practice. 

An extra special thing is that it is Sunday, and through the yogic lens, Sunday is the day to set fire to your week (in a good way!) and to spark your inspiration for living your best life — and so, we do that too. 


Upcoming Sessions


In the on-demand yoga library, you can join me anytime, from anywhere. Every live Yoga Church session  is recorded and added to the on-demand library, so you’ll never miss a moment. Whether you’re looking for a quick reset or a deeper, intentional practice, I’m here to guide you at your own pace. With each session, you’ll find a blend of soulful teachings and practical tools to support your journey, all ready for you whenever you’re ready to connect.


New in the on-Demand Library

Who is Britt?

Britt is a diversely-trained yoga teacher, master’s degreed health education, former university teacher and hospital administrator who has trained and taught yoga students (and certified teachers) for decades. She has been known to play her drum and chant in practice, break out into song, tell a joke, laugh, cry or have a little “come to jesus talk” mid-yoga practice. She has studied and lived in india, built and operated retreat centers and has some serious chops in the area of mind/body modalities, and yoga specifically.  

Why do you call it “Church”?

I call it church because it is a place and space for us to come together to find more internal alignment and alignment with good things in the world — which I continue to hold to be the truest and original intention for why folks some hundreds of years ago met in barns, and meadows and people’s living rooms to share “the good word”. Trust me when I say, you aren’t signing up for any sort of religious thing, nor a session filled with dogma — no ma’am… but you also gotta know that I am fully and completely devoted to love… and THAT sort of spirituality will be found everywhere you look in Yoga Church. (P.S. I kind of thought it was due time to give “church” a make-over, so I’m up for the challenge!)

What if I can’t afford it?

Listen, Sweetness… Donation means donation. Although I welcome and appreciate donations — I never want anyone to feel like they can’t come because they can’t afford it. If you want to be here with us — you can’t afford NOT to come… That’s what you can’t afford. The donation piece is more about you finding that sweet spot of sharing what. You have from your heart to ours and trusting that I want you present and with us — regardless of whether or not you can donate to our projects.

The time of day isn’t convenient where I live… 

Yes, I TOTALLY get that 9 am CST is a completely inconvenient time for many places in the world — that’s why these practices are always recorded and uploaded to your “membership” area — where you can access them whenever and however many times you’d like. I also am happy to take class “requests” or “topics” or “questions” via email and answer them in Yoga Church so when you come to the recording, your response will be right there waiting or you.

90 minutes is a LONG class. I don’t have time for an hour and a half: 

So, if it feels too long, you can always arrive at 9:30 and go straight to the yoga practice, and then if the “unfolding” of the theme inspires you, you can go back to it anytime. Or, you can even jump in at 9:30 (or 30 minutes into the class) and go for as long as you’d like, slip out for a brief resting pose when your time is up and call it good. No dogma. No rules. But FOR SURE coming for a little while is better than not coming at all.  

Frequently Asked


“We do postures on the mat, so that when we finally rest on our backs at the end of practice, we remember:

We aren’t DOING Yoga. We ARE the Yoga.”   

What Britt’s students have to say . . . .

“The fact that it isn’t connected to any specific sect or group makes it easy for anyone who finds yoga church to join and to practice at their own pace whenever they want. That was exactly what brought me in and kept me coming back when I found it.” 



“THE FACT THAT IT IS NOT CONNECTED TO A STUDIO... I love how the theme of each week is so appropriate to what is happening in the world. You are filled with dedication, devotion, passion and clear messaging — and then to bring ALL that to the mat and into my body is truly incredible.” 

“I love how you connect the science, the spirituality and the different traditions. It makes the class theme accessible and useful. Thank you!” 



Why Donation?

We choose donation because first and foremost we want everyone who wants to join us to know they are welcome. Second, it is really part of your practice. When you ask yourself, “how much should I donate today?” Your ‘practice’ really begins in that moment. There is an amount that will “feel right” to. You. This amount is alignment with what is real and true for you. There is an amount that feels like a proper exchange based upon what you have to give. That amount has nothing to do with what others “pay” for a class or “have”, it’s the amount that is JUST THE RIGHT AMOUNT for you. There is no “not enough”. There is no “too much”. There is only YOU and your Yoga.