You want this year to be your “best year ever” but you don’t want to make yourself crazy.

You want to be productive, healthy and relaxed but finding that balance is like picking out a pair of socks in the dark.

Good News:  It’s easier than you think, and you don’t have to give yourself some mongo life make-over to live your best life.  You really can start now. It is as easy as 1-2-3.

FILL:  This is all about “filling your life with the higher things so that which doesn’t serve you falls away”.  With “fill” we are asking ourselves the question, ‘What is one tiny thing I can bring into my life that will make the greatest impact?  I am talking, sooooo small that we hardly even notice it.  It’s the cumulative effect that makes your world different in a fantabulous sort of way.  It’s like if you’re planning to run the Boston Marathon and you take a jog to the end of your 200-foot driveway. It doesn’t even necessarily affect you the day you do it, but if you add 200 feet to your jog every day, you’ll be quite the runner in no time!  (hint:  when you fill your life with really great stuff, letting go of what doesn’t work gets a lot easier!)

That brings us to…

EMPTY: This is where we subtly, gently and quietly release what is holding us back or in some way disallowing the flow of energy to move through us. So when we empty, we might be decreasing something, or we might actually be eliminating a behavior or practice. The key is that it should not feel at all like it is a hardship or disruptive. In the emptying, you are simply letting go, teasing out, and moving away from that which isn’t moving you toward your best year.  It’s like starting out day one with your regular cup of coffee, but you’ve first put a splash of hot water in the bottom of your cup… then day two, the splash gets just a little bigger, until your cup of coffee has been replaced by a cup of hot water — no headaches, no afternoon exhaustion, no grumpies!  (How cool is that?)

NURTURE:  This the last and requires the least of you (which is great news because FILL and EMPTY were pretty sneaky little powerhouses!)  This one is my favorite because you hardly have to do anything, except notice what’s working and promise to keep doing it. Nurture is about looking to your life, turning a mirror upon your life, and saying ‘What am I doing already that I could pay just a little more attention to that is already really great for me? What is awakening me and moving me in the direction of goodness, wholeness and richness so that this year easily turns out to be my best year ever?  Nurture is not about adding something new, it’s not about getting rid of anything, it’s about simply looking at your life and taking care of what is already working.

That’s the whole deal.  It’s not huge to do, but the effects ARE huge.  Fill. Empty. Nurture.  Easy.  Just 1-2-3 — every single day.  It’s less about doing and more about observing.  Once you’ve get these, you’ll realize they can become a part of your every day without any effort.

Oh, and one final note:  you don’t actually need to know how to do this (leave that up to forces bigger than you).  Your longing for more…. integration, connection, light, inspiration and freedom…all that longing plus a little bit of awareness and tiny shifts day by day — that’s all you need to bring brilliance your way.

So, abandon any internal backtalk about “I gotta do this right”.  Instead, take a step, breathe, and bear witness to your life unfolding in ways you never thought possible.

Start now.

Your life isn’t in the way.  Your life is the way. 

Here’s to living your best life ever.



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Hi, I'm Britt.
I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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Britt hosts retreats and online immersions for women seeking healing, heart and vitality. 

The hardest part is knowing where to start

This little "Getting Started Guide" holds a few  favorite  practices to  lighten your load and get you headed in the direction of living your best life.  Why on earth would you wait?  You can start now! 

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