Maple Vinagrette.

I must say, there is one dressing that is my all-time fave and go-to.  I don’t buy salad dressings, I make them, and seldom does a day go by when this little beauty isn’t sitting on my counter ready to make something that needs a little pick-me-up just all that more delicious.  I put this dressing on my quinoa, my salads, my sweet potatoes, my kale.  It is delicious on hard-boiled eggs, pot-stickers and cabbage.  When guests are on retreat with me, this is the one recipe that gets the most requests and I love it, and trust you will too.


2 cup Olive OIl

1 cup Balsamic Vinegar

1/4 cup maple syrup

2 teasp. salt

1/2 teasp. pepper

2 cloves garlic, minced


Pretty simple, you just mix it all together.  The quantities, I must confess, are based upon personal preference of the one making the dressing.  What I know is that I use 2 “parts” olive oil to 1 “part” balsamic vinegar, add a “glub” of maple syrup, a good dash of salt and a little less pepper than salt.  I like salt more than pepper, and don’t like things super sweet, but you can play with this and make it yours.  I let it sit on the counter for up to two weeks, using it as I need it.  It gets better a few days in as the garlic infuses the entire dressing. 

Maple Vinagrette.

Food and Recipes

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I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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