Sorry, El Nido has been booked for this retreat. Please try another room.
You are reserving:
El Nido:
El nido in Spanish means “the nest”
$2395.00 per retreat / guest
Private cozy room with shared bath.
El Nido:
El nido in Spanish means “the nest”
$2395.00 per retreat / guest
Private cozy room with shared bath.
This retreat is all-inclusive, with no hidden additional costs to you. The only other expenses you may incur is additional travel or lodging, bodywork, private sessions with Britt, or keepsakes/gifts you would like to purchase.
We are honored to be able to offer this retreat with native Mexicans, who have become my “family” during my extended time in Mexico. These people are simple, kind, deeply devotional, honest people who live gently and humbly. I like to sit near to them and watch how they live and how they speak — as I have come to feel that they “live inside a prayer”…. I trust we will have some unscheduled “deep wisdom sessions” with these beautiful souls as well.
This is not a large, fancy retreat. It is simple, gorgeous, and all ours for the seven days and six nights together. There are 5 well-appointed, very comfortable rooms. This is a beautifully unique opportunity to sign up for Pilgrim and complete your 108 Days with plans to go on a “real pilgrimage” to Mexico to instill in you, even more deeply, the teachings of your 108 day journey.
Mi casa es su casa :: My house is your house. After years of renting retreat centers and boutique hotels in Mexico, we are the humble stewards and owners of La Sagrada, which is not only our retreat center, but also our home. We know this city and the people intimately. You are not entering this place nor this retreat as a “tourist” but as a welcome guest into our home. This provides you with the opportunity to go immediately to the heart of the people — beyond language, culture, and difference.
Finally, the most important aspect of what we are doing here is two fold :: One - it is what we tap into through our time together, the community, the ceremony, and the sacredness of this place and space, and Second to none — it is that a portion of all revenue generated through retreats and events at La Sagrada go directly into our Projects of Impact, where we are doing all we can to support the health and education of young women and children in our local community. Your registration contributes to these projects, and whenever possible, we schedule a day to go to the neighborhoods we are serving and offer our hands and hearts.
Room rates are individual and all-inclusive. Airport transportation for flights arriving before 9pm and after 7am are included. If your flight arrives after 9pm or departs before 7am, we will gladly assist you in arranging transportation for you by taxi. All retreat transportation, excursions, meals, activities and supplies are included. Massages can be scheduled for an additional fee. If you want to arrive a day or two early to settle in, this option may be available for an additional $150 USD per person per day, and includes airport transportation (as describe above), the room you have reserved for retreat, and breakfast.
Before signing up for a retreat — we want to make sure you are aware of the location and the risks associated with our location. We are located in a safe, “quiet” neighborhood outside of the bustle and busyness of the city center of Guanajuato, GTO. That being said, quiet is a relative term and we cannot control the nighttime activity of street dogs, occasional passing traffic and music. This is Mexico, and the culture is what makes it both endearing and known for its active night life. If you are a light sleeper, we suggest you prepare ahead, and bring earplugs or noise canceling headphones to ensure restful nights. Regarding safety, here is what can say with confidence: Guanajuato City is a “keyhole” city that is both difficult to enter and to exit, making it a less than desirable location for ongoing cartel activity and crime against foreigners. That being said, we alway suggest that you leave any fancy jewelry, diamonds, or overt expressions of affluence at home. Come as you are, ready to immerse yourself in the culture, the teachings, and the deep experience that Britt promises. If you want to learn and grow and expand your horizons… if you long to shed what no longer serves you and learn from the land, the people and this magical place, then by all means, we will have the most amazing experience prepared for you upon your arrival, and we will do everything we can to tend to your needs while you are here…. We long to share this place and the magic of healing with you. If this sounds interesting to you — we welcome you with OPEN arms.