There is this thing that happens to me when I meditate. I sit there. Doing absolutely NOTHING and all of a sudden EVERYTHING happens.

That’s the paradox of meditation. If feels like we don’t have time to “do nothing” when we can hardly get everything we need to do DONE. So we refuse to sit there, or make excuses or reach for our phones or our journals to sneak out a to-do list, when the best thing we could be doing is, literally, NOTHING.

The poet and Instagram super-healer, Yung Pueblo (whose real name is Diego Perez) said recently in an interview, when speaking about how and why he takes two hours a day to meditate… “I take time for myself in mediation and by doing nothing, I find everything I need.”

It sounds sort of absurd, but a short while back, I got just this…. Everything I need… from the moments where I was just sitting there… doing a whole lot of nothing.

Now, before I share with you what I received (which are like three friends I now take with me everywhere…) I must say that my mediation practice isn’t formal, and it lasts from anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour a day… I use a single piece of music and I listen to it once, twice, or three times through depending upon what is going on in my life. I’ve used this same piece of music for more than two decades, and it works for me. I don’t have a particular way of sitting, although I always am sitting, and always holding my own body weight — versus lying down or leaning up against something. There’s no special way I hold my hands, or way that I breathe, I just show up and stay. I let what comes come, and I do my best to let what is leaving, go with some grace. It’s just that simple. Oh, and one more thing. It’s RARELY profound and rarely do I receive a visit from divinity… but seriously, if I get a huge hit of divine brilliance, once for every 100 times I sit, it nourishes me for a long, long time… and it’s enough.

So, here’s my most recent grace that came through… my three friends I mentioned before. Call them friends, call them allies, call them prayers… anymore, whenever I am facing some sort of decision (which is pretty much always), I call forth these three…. As I said, “friends”.

1. May I release attachment to outcome (meaning, may I simply follow my heart – do what is kind, loving, true, and inspiring for myself, others and the world). So often I get so caught up in what’s the outcome or what this thing is gonna do for me. Rather, if I can let what is coming, come… and let what is going go… and just let Be BE…. I find that I can truly be present-moment focused, and all the stories I tell myself can be released… I realize my attachment to outcome… and every time I do — not some of the time — but every time…. I feel way better with whatever comes my way.

2. May I surrender my fears. Holy huge, right? We all have some sort of fear — fear of being abandoned, fear of not being seen, fear of failure… whatever it is, this one helps me surrender — and let go of the things that I can’t control (like outcomes, remember?). And so I say something like this, “in this moment, may I stop concerning myself with how I want my life to unfold or how crooked or bumpy the path has become, and instead, lift my eyes, soften my heart, breathe deeply and keep walking — because that, my friends, is what a clear-minded, open-hearted, powerhouse of an intelligent woman does — she sees that the whole journey is sacred, not just the easy parts or the pretty parts or the fun parts.

3. May the will of the divine be MY will (I’m very accomplished at saying my prayers.  I mean, VERY.  But often they are like To-Do lists that I pass off to the universe, in the hopes that my life will be easier somehow.  But/And. I have found that I can DO that, sure… OR I can give it all UP. I can hand the keys over the one who is a way better driver than me and say, “Take me, I’m yours — I’m ready, willing, and I’ll go where you take me… and I’ll trust.”

So those are my three big somethings that came to me when I sat there doing a bunch of nothing…. 1. Release attachment to outcome, 2. Surrender my fears, and 3. My THY will be MY will.

That’s it.

Simple, huh? Perhaps. But easy? Not so much. But that’s how things are, dear One. At least all the good things :: usually simple, not always easy… but always and in all ways… SOOOO worth it.



I delve more into this topic on this week’s podcast episode ::HERE::, and don’t forget to grab your download below–

Get my Three “Allies” to lean into when you are making meaningful decisions (includes a FREE meditation) now

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I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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