I see you. I feel you. And oh, do I know.
Sometimes, despite all the inner work, the journaling, the therapy, the self-help books, the meditation, the green juice, and the endless “I’m fine” responses to “How are you?”… sometimes, life still knocks the wind out of us.
One minute, you’re feeling like you’ve got this—centered, strong, moving through life with grace. And the next, you’re looking around like, What just happened? How did I end up here?
Maybe you feel lost. Maybe you’re exhausted. Maybe you’re watching the version of yourself you worked so hard to become slip through your fingers, and you don’t even have the energy to try to hold on.
If any of this sounds even a little familiar, take a deep breath. Because I want to tell you something that I wish someone had told me:
You’re not lost. You’re not broken. And you haven’t ruined anything.
You’re just in the thick of it. And you don’t need to have the answers. You don’t need to “be positive” or “find the lesson” or “think happy thoughts” right now.
All you need to do—the only thing—is find your way back to center.
Start Small. Start Now.
Here’s the thing: when life turns upside down, we don’t need to overhaul everything or make some grand plan for reinvention. We just need a place to begin again.
I know this because I’ve lived it.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I thought I should know what to do. I’d been meditating for years, leading retreats, supporting others through their darkest times. I thought I’d be the person who would say, “Ah, yes, an opportunity for growth.”
Instead, when cancer came knocking, I froze. I couldn’t see the light. I couldn’t hear my own wisdom. I didn’t know what to do.
And then, a sister-friend came and sat beside me. She didn’t try to fix me. She didn’t tell me to “stay strong.” She just said, Start here.
Wake up.
Drink some tea.
Start small.
And that was it. That was the breadcrumb trail back to myself. Not some grand breakthrough. Just simple, gentle steps.
And so, I’m paying it forward.
Your Invitation to Begin Again
If you’re feeling lost, untethered, or like life has thrown one too many curveballs your way, I’ve put together something to help you start again.
It’s called Your Getting Started Self-Care Bundle—a simple, three-part offering:
✔️ A short meditation to help you reconnect with yourself.
✔️ A gentle yoga practice to move and breathe.
✔️ A small collection of my favorite, nourishing recipes.
That’s it. Nothing overwhelming. No pressure. Just a starting place.
Because here’s what I know to be true:
When everything feels like it’s falling apart, the truth is… you aren’t.
You are whole. You are holy. You are enough, exactly as you are.
And no matter how messy, hard, or dark things feel, you don’t have to do this alone. I’m right here, holding the light, reminding you that the way forward isn’t about fixing yourself—it’s about coming home to yourself.
Because no matter where you are, you can always begin again.
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