I was standing in my kitchen making tapioca pudding when I heard these words come from the sassy smart mouth of Iyanla Vanzant.  It made me laugh out loud, but on second thought, there is some serious truth in those words. 

Think about it.

Sometimes we find ourselves in unconscious patterns; chasing nonsense, staying when we should leave, feeling exhausted, overworked, unable to slow down or hit the brakes.  And sometimes we just keep spinning, reaching for the donut, the coffee, the numb-out we get on social media or in that 6 o’clock glass of chardonnay.  It doesn’t matter how we got there.  What matters is knowing that we don’t need to STAY there… 

When you see crazy coming. (or when you realize you’re sitting up close and next to it already)…. Go on. Get on out of there.

But how? HOW… you might ask.

Here’s a few ways I know that work.

  1. Fill your life with the higher things and let that which isn’t serving you fall away. Notice what fortifies you living your best life. Tend to the people, places and things that bring out the best in you.
  2. Bookend your day with light. Rise and set with the sunlight. Read something inspirational at first light. Sit quietly before sleeping and say your prayers or gratitude.
  3. Join a conscious community. They are out there, waiting to be found. Research tells us that if you want to make change — joining a community where you can be both inspired and held accountable make all the difference. Here’s ONE I know works.
  4. Eat in alignment with nature. In the words of Michael Polan, “Eat food. Mostly plants. Not too much.” Each mainly veggies in a rainbow of colors and vary your diet with what it is in season. When we do this, we “align” our bodies, minds, and spirits with the natural world and everything flows a little bit better. (I’m not getting all hooky on you — there’s real research to prove this).

Each year, from mid-September through the first of January o the new year, I lead a journey, a “virtual pilgrimage” if you will… to the center of our souls. I walk with a few hundred others, from across the globe to inspire one another, support one another and hold ourselves accountable int he presence of one another so that we might enter the new year clear, open, strong, and as our best selves.

Perhaps this speaks to you… perhaps you, too, long for community, clarity, and living your best life.

If so… we’d love to have you join us.

Learn more here.

And if not… the inspiration always leaks out here, there and everywhere… in the blog, the free stuff on my website and on instagram… so you’ll still get a taste.

Sending love and support wherever you may be.

Om. Amen. Aha.



Radical Self-Care

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Hi, I'm Britt.
I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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Britt hosts retreats and online immersions for women seeking healing, heart and vitality. 

The hardest part is knowing where to start

This little "Getting Started Guide" holds a few  favorite  practices to  lighten your load and get you headed in the direction of living your best life.  Why on earth would you wait?  You can start now! 

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