125: Am I in Menopause???

Welcome to It’s All Right Here, the podcast series where I share short and sweet tips, strategies and practices to help you live your very best life. If you stick around long enough, you will build a toolbox full of things to help you rise into your next best and highest evolution.

Today’s podcast is all about the time that I thought I was dying. And not to be dramatic, but, quite honestly, every single woman either has been or is going to go through a moment, something like this. So, it’s my hope that sharing my journey serves you or someone you know and love.

We’re talking MENOPAUSE.

Menopause is natural — and every woman will go through it, if she lives long enough — in her own, unique way.  And there are many potential reasons that the symptoms are much worse these days than perhaps they were for our mothers’ generation — one reason, as suggested through Ayurveda, is that we enter into perimenopause already depleted, making these significant changes that much harder on our bodies, minds, hearts and spirits. But you do NOT have to go it alone.

My hopes are that, after listening to this episode, if you are feeling alone and un-resourced, you know now that you are not alone, that there is help, and there are folks out here who can support you.

And I want you to keep advocating for yourself, keep the conversations open, and know that you are whole healthy.


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Hi, I'm Britt.
I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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Britt hosts retreats and online immersions for women seeking healing, heart and vitality. 

The hardest part is knowing where to start

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