122: Learning to Let Go

Hey there, I am super grateful to be talking about a topic that is near and dear to my heart, and I might even say that I’m a bit of an expert on this one. So, I hope that you find this to be entertaining and of high value for you.

In today’s episode, I’m talking about claw marks.

I don’t remember where I read it, and it’s been many years now.… but it was a good one… It’s that perfect quote about letting go :: the kind of thing you read that stops you in your tracks and leaves you spontaneously nodding Yes ::

“Everything I have ever let go of has claw marks.”

I love when things stick like this. When they seem to anchor me to a truth that I knew was true… but I couldn’t quite get to all by myself.

It’s true you know: If I might be so bold as to generalize, we, humans sure know how to hold on tight — to things and people and experiences that aren’t good for us anymore, and we also know how to hold on for way longer than is useful.

Letting go is no easy task and there’s so much science and soul around this discussion but, today, I just want to give you a few simple things to think about…


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I've been described as a "yogini with some serious chops -- a wholehearted devotee who walks in the world precisely as she teaches".

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