(and menopause)


The Real Woman's Guide to THRIVE through aging, change and menopause  

How to identify what’s not working and why,
make changes in a positive direction without blowing up your life and pay all of this forward to your family, your work and your world!

In this Master Class, You'll Learn:

we’ve reached a really critical point in the world...

1. The Four Secrets

2. A Simple Assessment

3. The Practice

4. The Single MOST Effective Way to Start

Where challenges are part of our every day lives. There's no getting around this "new normal... But we can get through it. Whether you've been feeling overwhelmed, stuck, anxious or uncertain in these upside down times - or just feeling like NOW is the perfect time for you to up-level your life - this can be the turning point you have been waiting for. So much has changed in the last year, and there is NOTHING but room for women to rise up and take control of their lives and their impact in the world.

Join me to get an “updated perspective" for these times and to access the tools necessary to get you on your way to living the life that is longing to live through you.

Reserve Your Spot Now:

You are hungry for what’s real, what lasts, and what matters in life- and you are tired of all the rest

You are ready to let your intuition lead you through the noise - and you are WAY ready to finally honor your body’s request for more deep-rooted R&R

You are finally learning to slow down - a little - and are RIPE to start listening to that little mighty voice that knows that taking care of yourself is the first step in reclaiming your life and your health

You just KNOW there is MORE out there for you - and that you’ve been living beneath your potential... You are ready to make the greatest impact in this life - for your own good, the good of others and for the good of the world!  

This is a "MUST ATTEND" Master Class if...

A Personal Invitation from Britt

It’s like this, Pretty. I wake up in the morning before the sun and 90% of the time I rise inspired, excited, rested and ready. NOT because my life is all rainbows - but because I know how deeply the
importance of the things that we cannot see and we seldom talk
about.... And I know that when we tend to those things - everything
changes... for the better.

I have been teaching and training and walking this talk for more
than 25 years in the mind/body world... yoga, clean eating, holistic
healthcare, higher ed....And I want SOOO deeply for you to have
access to what feels like the world's best kept secrets when it comes to your health and your happiness.

And THAT is why I am doing this... FOR FREE. THAT is why I want
YOU to join with me so that we can shift this world from the inside out... So that we can reclaim our lives and set our scopes on the good things we've got going and head in the direction of some
serious brilliance!

Choose your day and time below and I’ll take care of the rest.



Reserve Your Spot Now: